Product Description Cost Paypal
1 Yes/No Question - Used for a question that can be answered either yes or no. Cards that are upright represent yes and cards that are inverted represent no. The cards are counted (fifth card counted twice) to see how many yes and no indications are present. Interpretation of the cards follows next, using the first row of five cards. The first two cards represent the past in reference to the question. The third card represents the present situation, and the last two represent the future. $15.00
2 Yes/No Questions $27.00
5 Card Reading - Used for a specific question. The first card represents the question itself. The second card represents the background of the situation and events that may lead to the question. The third card represents how the person asking the question has usually handled or dealt with the situation thus far and possibly strengths or flaws that may have bearing on the solution. The fourth card represents the environment of the situation and how that will affect the outcome. The fifth card represents the answer to the question or an appropriate action necessary to resolve the issues involved. $25.00
5 Card Reading w/ 1 Yes/No Question $37.00
5 Card Reading w/ 2 Yes/No Questions $49.00
7 Card Reading - Used for more details than just a specific question. The first card represents the person asking the question. The second card represents the distant past. The third card represents the immediate past. The fourth card represents the present obstacles or influences. The fifth card represents the present outlook. The sixth card represents the future influences. The seventh card represents the final result. $38.00
7 Card Reading w/ 1 Yes/No Question $50.00
7 Card Reading w/ 2 Yes/No Questions $62.00

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